Wisteria Halter Dress
Would this not be adorable for St. Patrick's Day? No, I'm not Irish. Why do you ask? (Okay, I totally am.)
Glanz Dress
Okay, so the name of this dress makes me think of my Pathology class and accordingly makes me want to puke, but otherwise I'm really digging it! It's a bit 50s-meets-60s, and I love the colors.
Tippi Dress
Well hello there, aren't you pretty? This dress looks like mint chocolate chips from a distance, and when you zoom in -- birds? Totally adorable? Why yes. This reminds me of the beginning of spring, but I think it could also be lovely for fall. What do I not love, though? The pricetag. =(
Sunday Shopping Skirt
This is a TOTAL Katie Skirt. Flowy, beautiful color, and defined waist? Yes please. I don't have any blue skirts, so I'm hoping this one works out for me and makes it to sale.
Cherry Drops Corset
Not technically a "new" arrival, but I adore the concept of this top and really want to try it on. I love the vintage vibe and the color, and halters are usually my friends. This will probably be a "going out" top, like the Chantico Tank, but who knows, maybe with a cardigan it would be okay for work. Time will tell!
Okay, Antho, we had a bit of a "breakup" in January because of your uninspiring offerings, but I'm ready to take you back. Is it just me, or are the new arrivals so much more in line with what we know and love about Anthro? This stuff will probably be hitting sale around my birthday (in June!), so I'm excited to see a taste of what I might be able to score with my discount. But um. No shopping for me right now, due to the whole overbudget thing. So I'll admire from afar. Oh, and do some reviews soon!
What are you guys loving at Anthro lately? Do you think they've stepped up their game?
I really like the first one. And the second. And the skirt. And the pink top and. Oh, that's all of them. I hope you get them all. And then fashion show for us. :D?