Do you know what this outfit is? Comfy. That's right, folks. It is hella comfy. It is "Say Yes to the Dress Marathon in your PJs with cats on your face" comfy.
I got this sweater at my recent excursion to the latest JCrew warehouse sale, and oh my, how it does not work with my coloring. But oh my, how much do I not care, because it is cashmere and amazingly soft and I got it for $20. Can you go wrong? I do not think so, friends. I do not think so. I decided that if I was going to wear an exact-match-to-my-skin-color sweater out in public, I might as well go for maximum silliness, so I added these tights with my new Urban Outfitters skirt ($5!). Turns out that there might be nothing else on Earth that these tights match other than this skirt, but match they did. That's... probably not a good thing if my goal is sleek and cool, but since my goal was silly, I think it worked out just fine.
In conclusion: I'm willing to bet my outfit was more comfortable than yours on this day. And as my dad likes to say, "I only bet when I know I can win."

JCrew warehouse cashmere sweater
UO skirt
Dillard's tights (I think)
Old, old, old shoes
NY and Company necklace (gift from Mom)
PS: Whew. I just had a blogging binge and scheduled a ridiculous amount of posts, so now I am good until Thursday. Muahaha! So, hello from the past, since I am writing this on a Tuesday.
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