With that, I wanted to take a look back at some of my favorite outfits of 2011. I always love these posts from other bloggers, so I thought I'd do one, too. I think I learned a lot about style and how to shop for/wear clothes in 2011, and I had fun looking through my outfit archives to see how my style has evolved. I hope you enjoy a trip down sartorial memory lane with me!
In no particular order:

And finally, here's my outfit from last night, also known as the last outfit of 2011 and the first of 2012. This is also my boyfriend's first attempt at blog photographer. And since Emma matches my dress, we couldn't resist leaving her in the picture.

2011 was a great year for me, both style-wise and on a personal level. I conquered fears, jumped out of planes, fought my anxiety, became more in touch with myself, and met an amazing guy. Oh, and I wore a lot of pretty clothes, as you can see above. In the new year, I want to pretty much stick to my same fashion policies I had in 2011: Only buying what I really love, what is a great deal, and what I can afford.
Do you have any fashion resolutions for 2012? (Or regular resolutions, since, as we all know, life is all about clothes -- oops.) My other not-related-to-clothes resolution is to become more flexible. I can't touch my toes, and that is sad! I think it will really help my running and my dancing -- plus it's a pretty easy resolution, so I'm more likely to actually do it.
I don't know where 2012 will take me, but I have a feeling it will be to good places. Finally, I want to thank all my readers for sticking with my blog through the ups and downs of 2011. Whether you've been here from the beginning or we just found each other, I'm so glad you're here, and I hope to have many more adventures in fashion with you.
Here's to another year of insanity:

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